Friday, December 5, 2008

Stop Panic Attacks

Sally had a panic attack one day after a flight. She started the attack when the plane was airborne and went to a doctor as soon as it touched down. She thought she was having heart attack symptoms, but also felt she was a bit too young for such a thing to happen. She was diagnosed as having a panic attack.

Did you know that research suggests that just about everyone will experience anxiety in one form or another during the course of his or her life?

Physical symptoms of panic attacks-

Some of the symptoms of an anxiety or panic attack can include extreme dizziness,blurred vision, tingling and feelings of breathlessness, and a fear of suffocating or smothering. You might feel sick in the stomach.
There may also be symptoms such as the fear that you are losing your mind, and feeling disassociated with your surroundings, as if you are viewing a movie. You may have a fear of death or morbid thoughts.

Many methods and treatments have been developed to try and give people relief from the symptoms of panic and anxiety attacks.
Treatments usually involve psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or medication. Alternative treatments like meditation and relaxation therapy are often used to help relax the body and relieve anxiety.

Unfortunately, many people are prescribed medications that have little effect or unpleasant side effects, and they can spend endless hours in therapy with little to show for it. They still suffer from panic attacks and anxiety.

Fortunately, if you are interested in a natural cure for panic attacks there is a radical new treatment recently released that is unlike anything that is available today. It involves no medication, no herbs, no therapy, no riding out the fear or hypnosis. If you want to find out about it, visit Freedom From Panic or sign up for the free newsletter at Freedom From Panic Tips.

panic attack help
panic attacks at night
how to stop a panic attack
preventing panic attacks
panic attack symptoms
panic attack treatment
overcoming panic attacks

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